📒Token Distribution Analysis

How we compare..

What are the distribution differences between this structure and the way Siren is set up.


  • 18% of the supply was sold to VCs at $0.40 per token. They have to wait just a year before being able to dump on retail.

  • 10% went to an “incubator” (another VC).

  • Only 5% of the supply is being offered to the public via the Balancer LBP. Most tokens sold on the Balancer LBP at the time of writing have sold for over $2 each (5x what the VCs paid).

  • Just 6.5% is being offered as liquidity rewards.

  • The “initial team” (anons) is keeping 26.5% of tokens worth $10.6 million at VC prices or $53 million at LBP ($2) price.

The Degen VC approach is radically different:

  • 18% of the supply will be given at ZERO COST to the #degenhorde (DGVC LP) in an #alphadrop

    • When: March 12th, 2021 around 16.00 UTC.

  • 10% of the supply will go to an accelerator-vault to boost liquidity

    • When: March 19th, 2021.

  • 32.5% will reward liquidity providers (5x rewards of Siren with no lockup)

    • All locked for in team.finance 30-days prior to launch of pools.

  • 4.5% will be allocated to community rewards.

  • 35% of the supply will go to Degen VC for project finance and marketing.

    • 25% of this supply in team.finance lock for 30-days .

0% will go to VCs

Last updated